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Everyone would agree, you feel revitalised after a great night’s sleep. Sleep is fantastic. It keeps your mind and body healthy, makes you feel more energetic and gets you ready to take on the day!1

Give yourself the best chance of a successful sleep

Getting a good night’s rest is important. When you’re sleeping, your body is carrying out important functions that help you with physical recovery and repair, so having a lie in is even better for you than you think!1 Sleep also gives your body the time it needs to repair itself, and helps support your heart function and metabolism. The list of benefits that sleep gives you is endless! 1 As an adult, you ideally want to be getting around 8 hours of sleep every night.2 If you add up all the sleep you have had throughout your lifetime you’ll realise that you would have spent many years getting some shut-eye.3

There are things that you can do to increase your quality of sleep. Sleep hygiene is when you practice behaviours that can increase your chances of sleeping better.2 These include making changes to your sleeping environment (in other words, your bedroom) and changing the time that you do certain things, like not having coffee after a certain point in the day.2,4

There are also some foods that you can have that can make it easier to get a better night’s sleep.5 However, keep in mind that sleep is a complex process that is affected by many other factors as well.5

Side view of female athlete running against bright colorful wall

Your Sleep Wellness Regimen

Step up your sleep quality with food

Close up of a pile of kiwi.

Catch a few more zzz’s with some kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit contains lots of vitamins and minerals. In one study, people who ate two kiwis one hour before bedtime found they fell asleep faster, slept more and had better sleep quality.5 The reason for this is unknown.

Close up of almonds.

Nod off with some nuts

Nuts like almonds, walnuts and pistachios contain varying quantities of melatonin, which helps to regulate a range of bodily processes5

Fresh salmon being prepared.

Sleep with the help of fatty fish

Some research has shown that the vitamin D and omega-3s in fatty fish may help the body regulate the hormone serotonin 5

Habits to help you hit the hay

Man wearing headphones using a digital tablet.

Turn off the screens

Bright computer and phone screens can disrupt your sleep – don’t have them on while you are in bed so your mind associates being in bed with sleeping only4

Woman relaxing in a field of grass.

Keep the conditions right in your bedroom

For the best chance of a good night’s sleep make sure your bedding is comfortable and ensure your bedroom is the right temperature, quiet and dark4

Feet under grey blanket in bed.

No napping

Sleeping during the day can make it more difficult to nod off at night time – if you absolutely must take a nap, try to make sure it’s no longer than 30 minutes, and make sure it’s at least 4 hours before you plan on going to bed4

Spoons holding pills.

Try to avoid sleeping pills

Sleeping pills won’t help long term and can be addictive – they should only be taken as prescribed by a trusted doctor4


Rest & Renew

A supplement that promotes relaxed, restful sleep, based on traditional evidence.

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